Aurora Bright Fancies - 7" Sprinkles Dragon
1 x $10.00
Plush toys can be an exceptionally significant and huge piece of any kid’s life and can regularly help improvement with regards to sustaining abilities. A shark soft toy is for somebody that doesn’t follow the standard, that prefers a little experience, and isn’t apprehensive about that large number of sharp ‘teeth.’ Aurora stuffed toys are unimaginably all around made with an emphasis on solidness, security, reasonableness, and in particular, adorableness.
Plush Mini Flopsies by Aurora, including little Reef the Stuffed Blacktip Shark, are made with all new, kid-safe materials and are thoroughly tried to guarantee that they meet or surpass generally security principles. It is suggested for a long time three and up.
Dimensions | 20.32 cm |
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